Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Food Stories Nominee & Catch Up

Two things on the agenda today:  Catch up & Nominate other blogger for Food Stories Award.

First off, the lovely Julia @ The Roasted Root nominated me for a Food Stories Award   ( )and in return, I will nominate a few of my favorite blogs.

1. Annie's Eats -- a great little blog that I've made multiple recipes from.

2. Chocolate Covered Kate -- a "healthy" dessert blog with some wild concoctions.

3. Cookie & Kate -- Celebrates whole foods and vegetarian fare!

4. My Little Celebration -- A super fun blogger that shares my name and my passion for food & fitness.

5. Chef in Training -- You've probably seen her on Pinterest. She takes wonderful photos!

Would you care to know a random thing about me?  
I hate dirty feet.
They make me cringe.
If I'm wearing flip-flops and am not on pavement or indoors, I'm probably thinking about how dirty my feet are.
I religiously clean & moisturize my feet before bed.
Yes, that's very random and a little you know.

Second matter of business, I have been away from blogging for a few weeks and have relocated the "wagon" to Colorado!  We've been here less than a week and I LOVE it!

I have visited an awesome street fair in Boulder, gazed at the Rocky Mountains, seen more bunnies/prairie dogs than I have in my whole life and gambled at my first horse race.  Very cool area with a solid combination of hippy and country...just my style.

I hope to have a couple recipes up this week.  Thanks for all of your support!


  1. Good luck on the relocation! I know it can be a pain in the booty. I LOVE Colorado and have similar sentiments as you regarding Utah. Have an awesome time there...I think you'll love it!

  2. As long as I'm living in a 5th wheel trailer, I may as well be moving on a regular basis :)
